Friday, August 29, 2008

Laws that don't Match

Yesterday, on one of Houston's local news stations, the following news segment broke:

This mother of an 11 year old boy had arranged for a man to have sex with her, her son, her 6 yr old nephew, and 2 year old niece. THIS MAKES ME SICK!!!! First, I don't understand why we have such rampant sex crimes against children in this country. Second, I don't understand why our laws don't match the crime.

I have seen numerous episodes on MSNBC of the show "To Catch A Predator." Why I watched them??? I don't know. I guess because I am still perplexed that so many sickos walk this earth and these shows are proof of it. After the show, they indicate who has been charged or convicted. I am always sickened at the fact that some person (99% of the time a man) has solicited graphic sex from a minor via the internet and they receive 6 mos in jail.

I don't believe that child sex predators can be rehabilitated. I don't know what the answer is but I do believe our laws for crimes against children should be changed. We put people in jail for years for having ounces of cocaine but when it comes to the future of our society, our children, we give people what equates to a slap on the hand. If our laws matched the crime, then these PREDATORS would spend an exorbatant amount of time in prison. Once a child has been victimized, they have to endure a lifetime of healing. The child in essence gets a life sentence for something that isn't his or her fault. So, in my mind, the predator should get a life sentence.

I am truly saddened and outraged by this event that has occurred in Houston. I encourage you to consider contributing to a Crimes Against Children organization. We need to make changes in this country! Our children are our future. We are responsible for protecting them.

1 comment:

lacy said...

I am sick and shocked. I can not believe the pollution in this country. Who are these people? It's times like these that I reflex back to old and antiquated way of thinking... perhaps ship them all to their own island and let em fend for themselves. Surely there is some reality tv trash value in that. Amazing. I am disgusted.