Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Such the Movie Watcher

I seem to be going through a movie spurt. Kelley and I watched "Wanted" the other night. Derrick and I watched "Castaway." Tabotha and I watched "Wall-E" and "Matagascar 2: Escape to Africa."

Here's the Aunt Mary short reviews:

Wanted - Kind of a stupid movie. I guess I had high expectations and it just didn't meet them. Not sorry that I rented it. But, it definitely didn't live up to the hype.

Castaway - Seen it a dozen times and could see it a dozen more. Love Tom Hanks. I don't know that I have ever seen a movie with him in it that I didn't like.

Wall-E - Oh sooo cute!!! I would watch it again. Fell in love with that little robot.

Matagascar 2 - Loved it! Funny, funny, funny!

Tonight we rented "88 Minutes", "Hancock", and "Burn After Reading." I'll be back to let you know my ever so important thoughts on these.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Day After

It's the day after Christmas! The excitement of opening presents and enjoying family is gone. sigh...I have a full week and a half off and not sure what I am going to do with myself.

My Husband bought one of these:
I am really enjoying it!!! Then, my kiddo bought me this for it:

It is great! When you first start it up, the system takes you through a balance and strength test, calculates your BMI, and then makes you create a fitness goal. Yesterday, I tried the aerobics, yoga, and balance training. Kind of a fun way to get a little exercise in my day.

Tabotha (Kelley's daughter) and I went to see Marley & Me last night.

Wasn't impressed. It's a sweet movie but the plot lacks depth. I strongly recommend that you wait until it comes out on DVD.

Happy Day After Christmas! Time to get back to regular life.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Seven Pounds

Kelley and I saw it last night. Here is the Aunt Mary review that I gave to Lacy:

It is a very slow movie. But, it's well worth the wait. The storyline is beautiful. The director laid out the story in a way that keeps you guessing for quite a while. I would say that it's not really a man's movie. Kelley liked the story line too but didn't like how slow it was. Go by yourself or take a girlfriend.

What I didn't tell Lacy: Will Smith does an excellent job! The soundtrack is beautiful!

Go see it! By the end of it, I don't think you will feel like you wasted your $2000 to see it. (LOL - Sorry that's my pathetic jab at how much movies cost these days.)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Family Weekend is Over

Family weekend is over. We had a great time! Here are a few highlights:

"Wii" played lots of Wii!

Had some fun Karaoke moments.

Enjoyed the visiting!

Received an inspiring message from Derrick. He's going to be a policeman!!!! Go Derrick!!!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Family Weekend is Here!!!

My handsome son is on his way! I can't wait to see him!

The countdown begins until everyone else arrives. I love my family!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

White Christmas?

Not quite! But, it really is snowing in Spring, TX!!!

Just Playin' Around

What do you think??? Okay - Okay! Some may not think it's funny. LOL - You have to read Lacy's Blog in order to get the joke.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Letting the Cat Out of the Bag

Hehe.. NO! This isn't another post about my most adorable animals. Whew!

It's time for me to let the cat out of the bag. (No! I'm not pregnant. Whew!) In early November, my company hosted a health fair. You know.. the ones where they check your cholesterol, weight, various measurements, and insulin levels. Needless to say, I was not pleased with my weight nor measurements. But, that's not what concerned me the most. My cholesterol was 244. That's 44 higher than it should be. After much contimplation over what this number meant in relation to my weight and age, I decided that it's time to make a change. This is not an "I'm going to diet and exercise until I am a size 6" change. I truly want to become a healthier person.

I researched cholesterol information to better understand what I should do. I then sat down and formulated some structured goals. Hesitation filled me as I began to make a committment to a different way of thinking. I didn't want to expose these goals only to fail later down the road and have to endure the mild disappointment of those who were rooting for me. But, this time, it's different. My goals are simple yet slightly challenging. They inspire me to see myself to a resolution. Lifelong resolution! I have posted them below. My ultimate goal is to reduce and maintain my cholesterol level. I even hired a personal trainer to help me jumpstart my "get moving" plan. The first thing that I told her was that I am not doing this to lose weight or gain a smaller waist (I don't mind if I do), but it's not my goal.

I share these with you really to hold myself accountable. I am not asking anyone to watch every morsel that I put in my mouth or every cigarette that I puff. I am making slow and steady changes. So right now, it's not about the food. It's about getting myself moving. It's about building a stronger, healthier body. It's about achieving my goals - one step at a time.

Nov 10th - Begin exercise program with a personal trainer. My personal trainer will assist me every Monday and Wednesday for 5 weeks. I will work out for at least 30 mins per day at least 4 days per week. Currently, I am focused on aerobic excercise. Any exercises that puts my body in motion. I commit to walking the dogs for one mile on the days that I do not work out. I did promise my trainer that I would begin eating breakfast everyday on this date as well. We agreed that I didn't have to focus on what it was but that I HAVE to get in the habit of eating breakfast.

Dec 1st - Begin stop smoking program. I need to do some soul searching as to which method will be most effective for my success. By Nov. 22nd, I will know this method and incorporate it into my goals.

Jan 1st - Remove sodas and sugar drinks from my diet. This includes my daily Starbucks.

Jan 23rd - Go to Doctor to have my numbers checked again. Re-evaluate exercise goals and determine what new techniques should be incorporated into my program.

Feb 1st - Begin to incorporate healthier food choices into my diet. I will commit to changing 3 things in my diet for the month of February going forward. I will report and document the decided changes prior to this date.

March 1st - Add 3 more diet changes. I will report and document the decided changes prior to this date.

April 17th - Go to Doctor to have my numbers checked again. Sustain diet and exercise changes.

Right now, my biggest challenge is the cigarettes. I did quit on 12/1 but have since bought and smoked cigarettes. I have committed to continuing to quit until I don't buy them ever again! No matter how many times I have to go through stopping and starting. Eventually, I have to grow tired of them.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Getting Ready for Family Weekend

TADA!!!! Getting ready for Family Weekend and Christmas. I think this is by far the cutest Christmas tree that I have ever had! I just think it is adorable.

YES, LEISA! That is your snowman. He's cute too huh? I guess he's not really 3 ft.. maybe 2.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Update: Zoe's BoBo

I took the poor Zoe girl to the vet today. I guess thankfully it appears to be a cat fight that caused the yucky injury. But, it does concern me that there is a cat THAT vicious strolling around our neighborhood.

Vet gave her a pain shot and some antibiotics. She should be back to her lovely self soon.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Zoe's BoBo

My poor Zoe has a bobo. I don't know what got her. But, it got her good! She doesn't act like it hurts. Yesterday, she was cleaning it with her paw.

Can I put regular antibiotic ointment on it??