Thursday, July 31, 2008

Need some "woo-sas", possibly yoga, some prayers, and a stiff drink

Just got back from my interview... can you tell how it went based on the photo??? It started out great. I interviewed with the IT Director for about an hour. Good, flowing conversation. He mentioned several times that he was impressed with my resume and skills. Hurray!!! Then, he takes me to another IT Guru-type guy. Talk to him for about 40 mins. Good, flowing conversation. He mentioned that he was impressed with my resume and skills. Hurray!!! It's time to speak with the owner. Deep breath!! The IT guru-type guy knocks on the owner's door. He says, "Are you ready to meet Mary?" I hear the owner say, "Not yet.. I would like to speak with you first." Two seconds later, IT Director joins them... oh know!!! I can hear bits and pieces of their conversation because the walls are so thin. I hear owner man saying things like, "But she doesn't.. and I see she has BUT.." Next thing you know, IT Director comes out and explains that I am a strong candidate but they need to continue to review resumes for someone who has video file conversion experience. HUGE SIGH!!!! He said some really nice things after that but I didn't hear much more. So, at this point folks, I need "woo-sas", mantras, yoga poses, prayers... whatever you have for me, I'll take!!!!

Last discouraging point, they let you bring your dog to work!!!!!!!!! Man! Sophie would have been in heaven if she could have gone to work with me everyday.... Where's that drink?????

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

The Neglect Factor: Zoe

My sweet kitty, Zoe, has been around for about 7 or 8 years now. She is a very docile and quiet kitty. A bit mischevious at times but for the most part.. a good kitty. She doesn't quite get all of the love and attention that she used to get. She used to sleep with me every night. She used to lay next to me on the couch when I watched TV. But, with the addition of a husband and a cute, cute dog, this went away. (She still sneaks into my bed in the morning after Kelley leaves for work.) To make up for poor Zoe's neglect, I take time out throughout the day to hold her and pet her. Sometimes, she is just happy being around me. I love my kitty!

On the other hand, this one commands attention.... How could you resist this face???

PS... Zoe is not truly neglected. She just doesn't get to lay around in the places that she used to. ;-)

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pacing the Night Away

I have no pic for this post. Why? Because I am up truly pacing the night away!!! UGH!! I found out today that I have an interview with a different company this week. This will be my 3rd interview with my 3rd company in 3 weeks. Does that have meaning??? Hmmm! But, what is so different about this one? It's with a company that actually does something with meaning, with heart. The company is called The Connection Center. They teach families and professionals how to work with autistic children and use new techniques for socializing those who have autism.

I was at a friends house when I got the call. I remembered applying for the job but didn't really remember the company. When I arrived at home, I immediately looked it up. That's when the nervousness began. I have been going over all of my skills and experience in my head. I have read the job posting at least a dozen times. And, I just want this interview to work! I know, I know.. if it's meant to be then it will be. Sigh...guess I'll get back to my pacing.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Brows - a - Wowsa

On a lighter note, I have decided to let my eyebrows grow for a couple of weeks. Once the growth process is complete, I want to get them reshaped. Saw this great show the other day in which they recommended doing this. Week 1 and a warning... future pictures might not be for the weak stomach. LOL

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Family First

I've reached an age where life reflection tends to take me in the direction of family more often than not. When I was in my 20's, I was focused on my so-called career, worrying about my relationship with my husband, and raising my son. Somewhere along the way, I lost the constant communication and interaction with my family. Don't get me family has never and will never leave my heart. But, it seems that my family went through a period of everyone just doing themselves - meaning we were all consumed with our daily lives.

My sister and niece travelled from 3 hours away this weekend to visit me. We literally hung out at the house for 2 days. It was sooo wonderful! There is comfort, joy, and love in being around my family. There is something about being around people that love you unconditionally and accept you in all of your grouchiness, goofiness, and sometimes (I said "sometimes..hehe) not so fun state of mind. I truly love my family. And, while I don't tell them enough or show it enough, they are first in my life. I would do anything for any one of them. I hope that some day we will have the opportunity to all live in the same town again. I wish for a day when we can drop by one another's houses just to chat.

Take time to appreciate your family today. Remind them of how much you love them.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

How high can you go?

Well, as I mentioned earlier, we did buy new bedroom furniture last weekend. The company has now righted their wrongs and our furniture is absolutely beautiful.

Along with the new bed, we bought a much needed new mattress. Comfy, pillow top! LOL - here's the funny part. I literally have to HOP into bed now. My sweet mother had quite a few chuckles over this one. She gave me plenty of ideas on how to get into bed: Mini trampolines on both sides, take a running start from the bathroom, use a lift (you know, the ones used in warehouses), attached a ramp.... Ok, funny mom!!!! Either way, I am quite satisfied and who knows, I just might tone up my legs!!!

Guess it's time to explore my options for bed steps!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Interview Day

Today is Interview Day. I have been preparing all morning to put on my very best corporate face. It's a bit challenging seeing as how I am not the most excited about going back to work this soon. However, I have found that my days are filled with more boredom than I care to endure. For some reason, it's easier to do your hobbies, fix up the house, and entertain yourself when you actually have income... Go figure!!! Anyhoo... wish me luck. Here I go!!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

What ever happened to Customer Service

I don't normally like to complain about stuff like this but....Can you tell me what ever happened to Customer Service?? I have had some really crummy luck lately. I bought a motorcycle in March. Typically, you would expect to have your license plate and title within 6 weeks right? Wrong! I have waited over 4 months, travelled over 30 miles each month to the motorcycle place, and spoken to numerous people. Can you say RUN-A-ROUND?? Then, Kelley and I bought some new bedroom furniture this past weekend. Beautiful set! Delivered on Monday! Perfect! NOT!!! No feet for the bed, a huge crack in the headboard, and the glass which lines the bottom of the bed - one of the panels was cracked. In both of these situations, I was very patient, nice, understanding... not once did anyone apologize for the inconveniences, "we'll get that taken care of right away", etc.

I have been in a customer service type industry of some sort for over 20 years now. I would have been repremanded, had "discussions" with my manager, or even worse could have been fired for this type of service. SIGH!!! Patience prevails. But, I just had to get that off my chest. Do you know what has happened to customer service???

Probably need to go back to watching the butterflies, huh?

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Inspiration and Enjoying the little things in life

First, I must give recognition to my nieces, Lacy and Kayla, for inspiring me to create this blog. Lacy provided me inspiration from her own blog which you will find in "My Blog List." Kayla has been journaling since she was very young. Her dedication to writing inspires me to now document (in a slightly different way) the topics that tug at my heart. So.. thank you to both of you! I love you very much!

I have many topics on my mind and in my heart. Some may be cause for heated discussion, some may be boring, and then others you just might find humorous. For now, I shall begin with a lighter subject: Enjoying the little things in life.

I have been a stay-at-home wife (not mom cause my kiddo is a man and on his own) for over 4 months now. It was a great moment to trade my 8 1/2 year corporate job for the stay-at-home life. During the last 4 months, I have enjoyed learning how to ride a motorcycle, spending more time with my mom, making jewelry, cooking for my husband, and keeping my house clean. In between these special moments, I spend a lot of time on my back patio staring into the sky, watching my flowers grow, or watching my cat and dog. It's funny now the things that I find humorous or enjoyable. Butterflies flittering around my flowers. Normally, I would have said, "Oh.. that's nice." and moved on about my day. Today, I can actually sit and watch them for as long as they grace me with their presence. Watch them float from one flower to the other... beauty, color, grace, peace. I am thankful for these special moments. I am reminded that when you pay attention to your surroundings and take time out to see what is around you, then you are truly in the moment. You are in the present.

My stay-at-home life will end soon as it's time for me to begin working again. I plan to carry the simple lessons that I have learned during this time. Stopping to enjoy the little things in life!