Monday, May 18, 2009

Critically Ill Wisdom

Are you tired of looking at the penis pics? I make jokes but I have a serious topic today.

The other night, I was catching up on my recorded Oprah shows. I was sad to see that Dr. Oz is leaving Oprah to do his own show. I enjoyed them two together. While watching this episode:

I was touched by the story about the man who wrote "The Last Lecture." I haven't read the book yet. But, based on his incredible story, I plan to soon. Watching him made me think... why is that people gain so much wisdom about life at a time when they are facing death? Why is that when time is most precious to us, do we understand what's important? His message is not completely new. Many people have gone through a similar situation and imparted their wisdom unto others. But, many of us still don't get it. Or, we get it but can't seem to live it.
This could easily transition into a discussion about the Bible and it's true meaning. However, I shall stay away from that topic for now. Bottom line: We are all meant to love one another. If we could all "get it", this life would be so much easier.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

I Needed This

Went to a Passion Party at one of my girlfriend's house today. Had a great time! Needed some good 'ol girl bonding.

There was Wine, Food, and Penis' -- LOL - in that order.... Fun, fun!!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

To My Mom

Mother of the Year < Click here

Need I say more??


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Guest Blogger - My Husband

Yesterday, I arrived home to find my handsome husband on the back porch "sans" his wife beater and shorts, iPod buds in his ears. He says, "Come here and take my picture." You have to know my husband. He doesn't like having his picture taken much less in his wife beater.

So, in his own words, here's the reason for the picture.

"Babe, I want you to have a before picture of me. And, I'll take another one in 4 - 6 months after getting into my workout routine. I want to give you the best of me. The person that I was ten years ago."

And, that's it folks! I want to thank my guest blogger - Kelley.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Friday, May 1, 2009

God's Surprise!

You know, life can be so predictable for so long and then all of a sudden God will throw you a curve ball or better yet, a BIG surprise!

One of my high school Facebook friends sent me an email this week and it went something like this, "Hey! Lara Curlin is my friend on Facebook. Check it out!" Well, I'll be damn! Lara Curlin was my best friend in high school. We were inseparable until she moved away. Then, we lived together for a couple of years after high school. We lost contact about 21 years ago. Our paths have crossed a couple of times over the past 20 years but we weren't good at keeping in touch. Life just kind of took us in different directions.

But now, here she is:
We had a great walk and talk on the beach.
And laughed for hours!!!!!
I am so glad to have her back in my life.