Saturday, August 30, 2008

Tracking Gustav and Hanna

We have two storms that could pose a threat at this point.

Hurricane Gustav is a category 3 hurricane which is set to hit either Texas or Louisiana by Tuesday morning. For obvious reasons, the Texas threat is a concern. Mema would be heavily impacted by this storm. If it hits Louisiana, then Kelley has family that would be impacted. Tomorrow, we should know more.

Tropical Storm Hanna is still quite a bit out. But, I am keeping an eye on it because it's path could head toward Boca Raton and impact Derrick.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Patience Truly Is A Virtue

Wow! I can't believe it! After several posts of despair from job hunting, I have some happy news. Back in July, I applied for and interviewed for a position at Chevron. I did a great job on the interview. When they called me back the next day, I was certain that I had gotten the job. Much to my surprise, I was told that they were VERY impressed with me, my resume, my interview, and my skills BUT they had chosen someone internally for the job. This was probably the pivotal moment in recent months that sent me into a tailspin.

Today, I received an unexpected call from one of the men with whom I interviewed at Chevron. He has another position and would like for me to interview. He gave me compliments once again. He said that he remembered me from the previous interview and thinks I would be a good fit for this position. I am sooo excited!!! I feel good about this.

PATIENCE TRULY IS A VIRTUE! I don't think I have been good at the patience thing. Seeing as how my mental state has been a bit off. But, I am very thankful to have another opportunity!

Laws that don't Match

Yesterday, on one of Houston's local news stations, the following news segment broke:

This mother of an 11 year old boy had arranged for a man to have sex with her, her son, her 6 yr old nephew, and 2 year old niece. THIS MAKES ME SICK!!!! First, I don't understand why we have such rampant sex crimes against children in this country. Second, I don't understand why our laws don't match the crime.

I have seen numerous episodes on MSNBC of the show "To Catch A Predator." Why I watched them??? I don't know. I guess because I am still perplexed that so many sickos walk this earth and these shows are proof of it. After the show, they indicate who has been charged or convicted. I am always sickened at the fact that some person (99% of the time a man) has solicited graphic sex from a minor via the internet and they receive 6 mos in jail.

I don't believe that child sex predators can be rehabilitated. I don't know what the answer is but I do believe our laws for crimes against children should be changed. We put people in jail for years for having ounces of cocaine but when it comes to the future of our society, our children, we give people what equates to a slap on the hand. If our laws matched the crime, then these PREDATORS would spend an exorbatant amount of time in prison. Once a child has been victimized, they have to endure a lifetime of healing. The child in essence gets a life sentence for something that isn't his or her fault. So, in my mind, the predator should get a life sentence.

I am truly saddened and outraged by this event that has occurred in Houston. I encourage you to consider contributing to a Crimes Against Children organization. We need to make changes in this country! Our children are our future. We are responsible for protecting them.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Me & My Shadow

The majority of my days are spent job hunting via all the known job sites, as well as random companies that pop into my mind. You could set a watch to my daily routine. Boring, redundant, predictable, and any other blah word that you can think of. But, I can always count on my little Sophie to bring a smile to my face at least once a day. She truly is my shadow. "When I move, you move."

I try to take original pictures of her. She has these expressions that I can't even describe. (I just know she has deep and very funny thoughts. She just hasn't figured out how to say them so that I can understand.) My sweet Sophie is a bit of a camera hog. Voila!!! The beginning of her pictorial layout:

Perched for window duty
Hangin on Mom
The Sexy LookGivin Mom Some LovinThe Shy Look

While she can't talk to me, she is an excellent listener. LOL - She gets to hear some really good stuff!! Stuff that I could never blog about. I love my little friend, even when she is being extra annoying.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Why Then And Not Now?

The other day, I began to ponder about why I seem to blog more about the past than I do about what I am doing now or plan to do in the future. I know for certain that the reason my blogs rarely include what I am currently doing is because.. I am not doing anything. I literally am at home day after day. Even on the weekends I don't get out much with my husband.. 1. Because he is tired from a long 50 - 60 hour work week. 2. Because we are trying to stretch our dollars due to my unknown future job situation. I have become used to being home everyday. But, this is definitely the reason why I don't have fun antics or updates about my daily life.

The troubling part is why I don't blog about the future??? I can't answer this question. I am in such a strange place right now in my life. The job hunting situation has really shook up my confidence. My vision is distorted. I mean my life vision not my eyesight. I am just not sure what I want, how I want to get it, and when to start. I have often wished that I was one of those people who knew from a very early age what they wanted out of life and just went after it. I ask God over and over, "Why am I like this? What am I missing? Why can't I just move in a direction?" To no avail, I am still waiting on the answers or they are passing right in front of me and I still don't get it.

I think it's interesting the various struggles that people have to endure in their lives. I can sit in this house on days and think that I have gone through the most horrible experiences and no one understands me and completely become self indulgent in pity. Then, I turn on the TV and watch some documentary about children in India being sold into prostitution to help feed their family or a single mother of 5 who doesn't have running water in their home and think what is wrong with me? Why can't I be thankful for all that I haven't endured? Why can't I be thankful for all that I do have? I don't know!

I jokingly call my current situation my Self Imposed Prison. But, really my self imposed prison is in my mind. Perhaps one day, I will have the courage to unlock the gates and truly experience life the way that I should be experiencing it.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Capturing the Essence of a Loved Man

My brother, Todd, is and was a very loved man! His passing has left an empty space in my family. Any time that my family gathers, we always honor his memory by talking about times past. My mom visited today and brought with her several boxes of pictures. This is a great honor because my mom has been quite protective over these boxes of pictures. We had a great time rummaging through the photos. Laughing, smiling, and also just staring at some photos while memories silently ran through our minds.

I found several photos of my brother that I either hadn't seen or hadn't seen in a long time. I chose a handful of them simply to capture his essence. These photos truly represent a man that was fun, intelligent, sensitive, personable, and just a joy to be around (hehe.. most of the time.)

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Music & Me & You

I, like many other people, love music. I would like to think that my tastes are fairly diverse. But, I am quite certain that everyone has an artist or genre of music that really "moves" them or speaks to their heart or speaks to their soul. Mine happens to be old Motown artists: Aretha Franklin, Marvin Gaye, Al Green, etc. Well, ok.. so maybe Al wasn't with Motown but I still really love his old music.

I have often wondered when and where I developed the love for this genre of music. My family seems to have a diverse taste. But, I'll get to that in a minute. I just know that I didn't grow up listening to the music. I know that I fell in love from the first time I heard it.. whenever that was. It's interesting because I don't really listen to the words of a song when I first hear it. It's the instruments, rhythm, and flow that grabs my attention or touches my soul. Once the music has me, I can be transported.. to where? I don't know. But, I can listen to music for hours.

I can relate music to periods, people, sights, and, in some instances, specific feelings I had at one time. This brings me back to my family. For almost every member of my family, I can hear a certain song or artist and immediately think about that person. So, without further ado, here is my tribute in song to my family. (Note: I wanted to post links to each of the songs but thought that it might really slow down my blog.)

  • My Mother - Any song by Tina Turner. My mom has loved Tina since I can remember. I think she possibly relates to some of her struggles in life. We have a long standing story about my mom dancing on the living room coffee table. (Sorry, Mom. But, it's a cute story.) I doubt it was to a Tina song but definitely in Tina fashion.
  • My Stepfather - Freddie Fender: Wasted Days and Wasted Nights - He would play his 8 track (YES I said 8 track) over and over in his black and white pickup.
  • My Sister, Susan - Conway Twitty: I'd Love To Lay You Down - When I was about 14 or 15 years old, my sister was stationed in North Carolina. I visited her for the summer. She would take me to a local ice house and let me hang out with her and her friends. They would drink beer and laugh it up while I would run back and forth to the jukebox. She would always ask me to play this song.
  • My Sister, Leisa - Van Morrison: Into The Mystic - Hands down, this was the song that we have enjoyed together many, many times. My fondest memories were sitting at a table with her while she created her crafts. We would pop in the Van Morrison cassette (YES I said cassette.) and reminisce and sing and laugh and sometimes cry.
  • My Brother, Todd - Any song by AC/DC - He loved Kiss and AC/DC. He had posters all over his walls of both bands. He would play AC/DC at the highest volume and then lip sing for me. Of course, adding the head shaking move of the guitar player.
  • My Niece, Lacy - Any song by Celine Dion - I learned of Celine Dion from my son's father. He took me to one of her concerts and I instantly fell in love. Shortly after that, I learned that Lacy loved her too. A great moment was being able to attend Celine's concert in Las Vegas with Lacy. We just smiled and cried together. The show was beautiful!
  • My Niece, Kayla - Matchbox 20: 3Am - I will never forget the fun time that Kayla and I had at the Matchbox 20 concert. I think it may have been her first concert. Anyway, it was held on an outdoor stage in downtown Houston. The streets were packed!!! Kayla and I started out right in the middle of the crowd in the middle of the street. LOL - By about the 3rd song, we were dead center right in front of the stage. We danced and sang our hearts out for the rest of the concert.
  • My Nephew, Cody & My Niece, Kallie - Unfortunately, I haven't had the opportunity to share magical musical moments with them yet. But, I can tell you that right now, it would have to be Boston: More Than A Feeling. We ROCKED that one on Rock Band. So, until my time comes to create more musical memories, this would be the song.
  • My Son, Derrick - Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama - My son is not of a music lover like his mom. But, he does like to play guitar. When he first began learning how to play, he would play this song over and over and over and over. I miss hearing it. But, I also have a song that I have dedicated to him since he was very young and it too makes me think of him: Celine Dion - If That's What It Takes
  • My Husband, Kelley - UGK: The Game Belongs To Me - I know! Strange song. It actually reminds me of him because it was just being released when we met. He heard it once on the radio and instantly had to have it. It just brings back early memories of getting to know him and spending so many nights in conversation with him.

That's my tribute! Diverse songs from a diverse family. A family that provides me with fond memories. Music that makes me smile!!!

My Sweet Husband

Yesterday, my sweet husband came home these. He just wanted to tell me Thank You for being his wife! My husband has a such sweet spirit. I love him dearly!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

I Have To Take A Test???

Those of you who have been keeping up with my blog know that I have been obessively searching for a job. I applied for a position at this company: It seems to be an interesting company. Well, I have tasted the first step of interesting. The company states that you must pass a test prior to submitting your resume and being considered for an interview. Ok? No problem. LOL - Well, some test!!!! They state that the test is for problem solving and analytical skills. I thought it would give a scenario and ask me how I would deal with it. Wrong!!! It consisted of 14 math type problems. Here is a sample:

"A school has 40% boys. 30% of the students have blonde hair. There are 3 times more girls with blonde hair than boys. What percentage of the students are boys with blond hair?"

Sigh!!! And this was probably one of the more easier questions. I don't know??? Do you???

The good news is and much to my surprise.. I PASSED THE TEST and have a phone interview tomorrow. Whew!!! It was actually kind of fun. I hope they will tell me which ones that I missed.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zambian Skies

The back of my house faces to the west. While I don't get the beautiful sunset that can be seen on the west coast over the ocean, I still get my own little gifts from God. Frequently, the sunset provides vibrant colors in the sky as depicted above. When I see these glorious skies, I am reminded of the skies in Zambia, Africa. I remember feeling like I could literally reach out and touch the clouds. At night in Zambia, I felt like I could see every star that God has ever made. It was in-describable!
These are the falls at Victoria Falls. If you don't believe in a God, then I guarantee that you will when you visit Victoria Falls. The rainbows are all over. The greenery is gorgeous. But, even in all it's glory, Africa can be such a place of despair. In Zambia, more people are just striving to survive much less live. I met so many people who literally owned one shirt, one pair of pants, and if they were lucky a pair of shoes. So many people who would do whatever it took to feed their family for THAT DAY.
An African Village. These one room shacks would hold an entire family. The room is their living room, kitchen, and bedroom all in one. Forget about a bathroom or washroom.
These type of houses were all over Zambia. They consisted of a living area which is probably about the size of your bathroom or maybe laundry room and then another room which is a bedroom. The community shared a water well. The family would draw water from the well into a tub (the blue thing next to the lady getting her hair braided). The family would then take turns washing with a rag and the dirty water. No shower or soaking in a tub.

Even though survival was the name of the game, I am in awe of their sense of culture, family, and pride. I met so many happy truly nice people. People willing to give even if they didn't have anything to give. People so ready to serve. I'll never forget my time in Africa. Never forget the scenery, people, and places. Today, these memories remind me of how we should all be thankful to live in America, thankful that we have running water, thankful that we don't wonder if we will get to eat today or feed our families today. No matter what you are going through today.. take time to appreciate the life and "things" that you do have. Trust me, it makes me put my job situation into perspective!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Great Family Time

I had a great weekend! It started out a bit hectic but in a fun way. My mom, husband, and I travelled to Austin for the Big garage sale. The sale was a huge hit!!! The weekend proceeded with drinking and cards. Such a great time, I haven't laughed so hard in a very long time. (You probably don't understanddddd... ~sang in your best broadway voice~) Then, it ended with an enjoyable birthday party for my Sweet Sixteen niece.
There is something about just being around family. I just love mine SOOOO much! I laugh and cry with them. I have great conversations with them. I have come to understand more and more that I connect with each of them in different ways. Family - I honestly don't know what I would do without you. I can't wait to spend time with you again!!!!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Ode to Elvis

I was channel surfing tonight when I stumbled upon "Elvis: That's The Way It Is." Wow! It's been 31 years since his death but I can remember it like it was yesterday.

No!! I am not trying to imply that I was there. :-) I was 10 years old when he died. But, I remember the impact that it had on me. I couldn't understand why someone with so much talent could leave us so young. I still enjoy watching his concerts. I think he would have continued to revolutionize music to this day had he lived. He just had SOUL! He's still missed. (No, I'm not an Elvis fanatic... just another remeniscent moment.) hehe

Monday, August 11, 2008

Be honest!!

How many times have you watched these???

I swear I cried the first time that I saw Beauty and the Beast at the movie theatre. I wanted to be Belle... and I was in my 20's!!!

LOL - My niece (Kayla!!) just about drove me nuts with Grease 2. I just knew that if I had to hear her sing "Cool Rider" one more time.. it was over!!! LOL

Jungle Book was for my kiddo. He loved watching the animals. I think he wanted to be the little boy. ;-)

And, Top Gun?? Well, what can I say?? Who didn't fantasize about Tom Cruise at that time???

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Brows-A-Wowsa - Part 3

It's the beginning of week 3 of the brow growing process. I must admit.. it is taking much longer than I expected. I think that I am ready to see an expert brow plucker next week. He/She can at least begin the shaping process and I won't have to continue to look like a crazy person. :-)

Next Blog

I enjoy surfing blogs occasionally. It's interesting to see the various topics that people choose to write about. What annoys me is when I am using the "Next Blog" button and the next blog is designed to not show the button. How do I move on from that Blog? The only way that I currently know of is to click on the back button and then use the Next Blog button from the blog that I had just visited. Whew! Does that make sense?? LOL - Anyway, if you know how to move on without going back.. let me know.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Hockey Days

My sister, niece, and I are having a garage sale next week. While searching through boxes for garage sale type stuff, I stumbled upon a box which houses my son's roller hockey trophies. I am completely amazed at his accomplishments. Roller Hockey was a major part of our lives for about 9 years. He was a natural! I remember the trips to practice 3 times a week, weekly games, and all of the fun weekend trips to tournaments.

He was so much fun to watch. He wasn't as aggressive as other players but his skills definitely put him above most. You could hear the rumble from the other team's parents when we would play them. Things like, "Who's son is that?" "Wow! He can really shoot." "Oh, that's the Jaradi kid..he is something else." I always stayed silent but inside, my chest was poking out across the rink.

Those days are over now. My son is morphing into a man. He lives in Florida. I am still amazed at his accomplishments. He is an avid fisherman. He has learned to dive and spear fish. He holds down a job while still maintaining his grades in school. I miss him but want him to be where he wants to be. Hockey Days may be gone but my son's accomplishments go on.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Zoe Gift

I did wake up with a better attitude this morning. Still frustrated but not as stressed. I guess Zoe was feeling my pain because she decided to bring me a gift this morning.

I was washing clothes and all of sudden Sophie began freaking out. She was whining and scratching at the door and kept running from the door to me. She normally does this when she sees Zoe outside. Guess she figures that she is missing something. So I meander to the door only to see Zoe rolling around on the porch with this!!!!!

DOUBLE YUCK!!!!! I couldn't figure out how to scoop it up. So, it is now somewhere on my back porch. SIGH! Kelley, please get home soon!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Need Strength

I have struggled today. I found it hard to blog about anything because my thoughts have been obsessively on finding a job. My obsession is not due to finances but more because I feel my confidence slipping with each interview that leads to yet another "Thanks but no thanks" email. I see now how I took my quick procession at my last company for granted. I never had a problem moving from one position to another within that company because I had established a positive reputation. Now, I am facing people who don't know truly what I can do. It's up to me to sell myself. For this reason, my confidence falls short. I am beginning to realize that I am not doing that stellar job of selling myself that I once did. I am not communicating my skills very well.
I blog this only to release the tension and stress from my soul. My spirit is unsettled right now. I may seem ok on the outside but am screaming on the inside. I can only call out - God help me! Perhaps, tomorrow will find me with a better outlook and attitude.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Tracking Edouard - Part 2

Not much to report. The storm has really been a non-issue. Of course, news coverage makes it out to be a big deal. All of the local channels have reporters all over the storm area. They are reporting on puddles of water and a few fender benders - LITERALLY! Really, it's just a bunch of much needed rain. LOL - Media!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Tracking Edouard

Tropical Storm Edouard is heading toward the Galveston coastline. It is predicted to arrive at about 6am tomorrow. Right now, it is not too strong - about 50 - 60 mph winds.
Trying to get the Mema to head my way. But, she has her own ideas. :-)
You can read more about the storm at

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Motorcycle Saturday

Kelley and I are heading out on the motorcycles today. It's a bit HOT in the 'ol H-Town. But, we are going stir crazy and need to get out.

We always have a good time when we get out and ride. There is something about riding with so much freedom. I tried to explain it to my sister but didn't articulate it very well. This may sound corny but you feel more connected to your surroundings. LOL - who knows??? I just like it!!!

Random topic - My mom gave me these hoops. They are used to make purses - chrocheted, beaded, cloth, etc. I don't make purses. Those of you who know me, know that I make jewelry. I was thinking of adding some beading to these. I need some creative ideas. What else could I do with the hoops?? They are linked together and 5 inches in diameter (hoop earrings is not an options.. lol). Any ideas?

Friday, August 1, 2008

Artistic Expression

I see alot of fascinating photos and artistic expressions on other's blogs. Here's my little piece of the artistic world. Ok!!! Just kidding folks... I was bored!!!!

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Brows - a - Wowsa - Part 2

I made the decision to not wax or pluck my eyebrows for my interview yesterday. (Ha! I got them didn't I??!!) My niece gave me some great suggestions on how to make them inconspicuous.. hehe. Here is an update photo. This the beginning of week two. You can't see them as nicely because I don't have my professional photographer (Leisa!) here. But, you get the idea... I'll keep ya posted!