Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Pacing the Night Away

I have no pic for this post. Why? Because I am up truly pacing the night away!!! UGH!! I found out today that I have an interview with a different company this week. This will be my 3rd interview with my 3rd company in 3 weeks. Does that have meaning??? Hmmm! But, what is so different about this one? It's with a company that actually does something with meaning, with heart. The company is called The Connection Center. They teach families and professionals how to work with autistic children and use new techniques for socializing those who have autism.

I was at a friends house when I got the call. I remembered applying for the job but didn't really remember the company. When I arrived at home, I immediately looked it up. That's when the nervousness began. I have been going over all of my skills and experience in my head. I have read the job posting at least a dozen times. And, I just want this interview to work! I know, I know.. if it's meant to be then it will be. Sigh...guess I'll get back to my pacing.


Leisa said...

Wow! That is great. I just know it will work out. Your passion and enthusiasm will be obvious. That has to count for something, everything!

lacy said...

Pacing is a good sign. When you go to your interview give them the professional Mary and then do something a little more unchara. for an interview... actually show them your heart, this one that is pacing, the one that wants to work for a worthy cause--- all you can do is show them that you are 1. capable and 2 passionate! and the job is yours! Love you