Sunday, April 19, 2009


How many old cell phones do you have stored away in a closet? If you are like me, quite a few. I am a sucker for new technology. So, as soon as a new phone becomes available that has cool gadgets and features, I am thinking of how I can con my cell phone provider into letting me upgrade at the lowest price.

But what do you do with all of those old phones?? Fear not, my friend. I am sure you have all heard of places where you can turn them in to be recycled. Well, Flipswap gives you options. You can get cash, donate the cash, or have a tree planted. I like this idea. I will soon be bidding farewell to my old phones. Try it!


lacy said...

what a great idea. I am sure we have one or two lying around.

Tommie said...

oooooooo! super cool!