Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Shorty Got Low, Low, Low....

I was just telling my mom the other day that I think we aren't or weren't really in a recession. I honestly think the media has created this so-called "Recession". I didn't really feel impacted by it until recently. Kelley and I have more credit cards than we need. Several have balances and all were no where near the credit limits.

Over the last 4 months, every single one of our credit card companies has lowered our credit limit to just above our balance amount!!! This really ticks me off! Not because I want to have a bunch of credit cards with high limits but because it completely messes with my credit score and then causes us to be at a higher risk of going over our limit. Seriously, one company lowered are limit so close to our balance that it will only take one finance charge to tip the scale...then they have the right to increase our interest rate. Such a market these companies have!!!!

I say DOWN WITH CREDIT CARDS!!!!! Can't wait to finish paying these suckers off!

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