Friday, March 20, 2009

Good Freakin' Grief!!!

Warning: This might be a little long and boring.. but I need to get it out.

I don't currently sit with my team at work. When I was hired on, they didn't have space. So, I was placed down the hall and told my space was temporary. "No big deal. That's fine. Just glad to be here.. yada yada yada" Then, another young lady was hired with whom I have become friends. She does sit with the team but in a very sub-par desk which was never meant to be an office workspace.

Fast forward about 3 or 4 months, I was "kicked out" of my office because it belonged to another department and they needed it. I was moved to the opposite end of the hall. "No big deal. That's fine. Just glad to be here.. yada yada yada"

My boss then decides that it's time for us to sit all together. There are about 12 of us on the team. But, my boss only manages 4 of the 12. So, we contact the appropriate people and discuss our move options. Everything set, and guess who is told to be the "Move Coordinator." Good guess.. ME!!! "No big deal. That's fine. Just glad to be here.. yada yada yada"

So, at the beginning of February, my boss and I wonder over to our new location. He promptly chooses his seat and then begins to assign seats to each of us (the ones he manages). He then instructs me to meet with the remaining 8 team members and find out where they want to sit. Mind you, he has assigned out all of the so-called premier seating to us. Another minor fact - all of the remaining team members are either managers or have been with the company for a lifetime.. literally like 30 years each.

Instead of following my boss's instruction, I promptly consult with the woman who did the last move. "How did you handle this? Where would you put everyone?" Ever so the fair one.. I know I'm not going to get this right. She assigns all of the remaining window seats to the most tenured and then fills in the other seats based on who works with who. I proceed to advise everyone of their new seat assignments. I get a few questions here and there. But, overall, no one raises a stink. Needless to say, I am quite proud of myself.

Fast forward to this week...the move is set. All of the appropriate departments have been notified - IT, Furniture and Spacing, etc. I am still glowing with pride that this has all gone smoothly. Until the bitch from hell all of sudden decides that her seat is not satisfactory and she was never given a choice of seats. Yep.. two days before we move, she is in my face telling me how angry she is and how this whole thing has been unfair. (Ok.. deep breath.) I don't do well with people aggressively approaching me. When she isn't satisfied with my answers, she proceeds to call her boss, my boss, and my boss's boss. If you could picture a 30 year old kicking and screaming like a 2 yr old who can't have the candy in the checkout line of the grocery store, then you have a pretty good picture of her antics.

All of the bosses scramble to see how they can make her (bitch from hell) happy. They end up moving 2 people from a window seat and another from her workstation in order to accommodate this one bitch from hell. Ok.. whew... it's over.. we can get back to business at is good again. NOT!!!! The 2 people that were moved from their window seats are now mad and while they aren't kicking and screaming, they sound just as whiny as the same kid who has just begun saying.."but MMOOOMM can I plllleeeaassee have the skittles." This then prompts one ex-window seat person to tell me that he should really have my spot because "blah blah blah blah."
"No big deal. That's fine. Just glad to be here.. yada yada yada" My so-called premier spot has now slipped through my hands at the Nth hour.

"No big deal. That's fine. Just glad to be here.. yada yada yada" Honestly folks... I AM MAD AS HELL!!! Is it the spot forfeiture that has pissed me off???? No, it's the mere fact that one woman can throw a fit and get her way at the expense of 4 other people on the team. This company prides itself on core values such as Integrity, Honesty, Relationships and others. All that I have seen this week is anything but these values. I am appalled! I am mad!!! I am shocked! May bitch from hell get hers in the end!!!

LOL - But I still like my job.

1 comment:

Kayla Burns Floyd said...

Okay, I'm laughing. No. Wait. I'm hysterically rolling on the floor laughing! Not b/c I think you deserve this or that there is anything funny about this infantile grown woman, but you know I've dealt with your company, and it's just so "corporate america". We're all just humans trying to pretend to be important (ahem...ready my blog today) and it's just funny. And don't worry, your secret is safe with me...I know why you still like your job. LOL!