We all have those foods that just seem to make us feel better at times. They are called "Comfort Foods." For a brief moment, placing that comfort food in your mouth sends a pleasing signal from your taste buds to your brain. I can't help but wonder if they actually cause your brain to release serotonin too. Hmmm..
Depending on the day and the moment, I have several comfort foods: chips & chili con queso, oxtails, ice cream, chocolate, and...
POPCORN.. yep, I said popcorn.

No matter what movie I am seeing at the theatre, I would swear that I actually get more excited about the popcorn than the movie. Popcorn is dinner for me on occasion. Unlike those who choose to scoop up a handful and throw it in their mouth, I like to eat it one piece at a time. Love the crunch and love the flavor.. with the right toppings, of course.
I used to eat it regularly with M&M's. Salty, sweet.. YUMMY! Now my taste buds prefer these two toppings...

Parmesan and Butter Topping. The butter gives the popcorn that oily flavor like at the movies. The parmesan adds just the right cheesy flavor. Either way, when I am in the mood, popcorn most certainly serves as one of my comforts.
What do you like on your popcorn?
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