We'd like to go somewhere like this...

Or, wherever HE is....
Oops...sorry...oh yeah, I'm married... back to the topic. We checked on Miami, Cabo San Lucas, thought about going to Atlantic City and trying to "jaunt" over to NYC. SIGH!!! Having fun is expensive!! I mean come on...I'm a spoiled girl who likes to have a spoiled time. I know we can go somewhere exciting on the $1500 budget.
Where? Where? Where? Help me out folks! Here is my want list:
- Sunny beaches
- Nice Hotel on the beach
- Close to lots of fun entertainment - walking distance is most preferable or easy public transportation
Am I asking too much??? :-)
Side topic #1: Have you noticed the link in my blog list: Lookin' For LadyBugs. Well, that happens to belong to none other than my wonderful sister, Leisa. Come on fam-i-namily!! Send some encouragement her way. Let her know that we are all awaiting that first blog. We all know that she has it in her. (P.S. If she uses the excuse that she doesn't remember her login info, tell her that I do!!!)
Side topic #2: Visit Linda at 2nd Cup of Coffee. She has posted an interesting and disheartening video about lemons in your water at restaraunts. Ugh! What is this world coming too?
Okay, I'm going to have to do a quick internet search but you should DEFINITELY be able to hit Cozumel or Playa del Carmen for $1500. The Caribbean side of Mexico is BEAUTIFUL and still relatively inexpensive.
I'm on it!
P.S. When is his birthday? How long do you want to be gone?
P.S.S. I had no idea mom started a blog!!! Hooray Mom!
You go girl! Now that you have that wonderful job you have more to play with! I admire your long term planning.
Thanks for the shout out! I cannot offer any help on the vacay, but you cracked me up about the guy. Keep writing. I'm lovin' it.
That is such a cute name for a blog! Did mom come up with it?
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