Anyway, I wanted to give you a small glimpse into my crazy head. Thoughts that run through my brain. I am not sure if this happens when you become a mother and it just never goes away. Or, do all people do this?
What? What the heck are you talking about, Mary??? I am talking about random, gruesome thoughts that just pop into my head. For instance, (get ready, this may be a bit twisted) you know that I am having this dilemna about my dog while I am at work? My sweet, highly intelligent Sophie! Last week, I came up with this great idea to block her from the front room and stairs. She still has plenty of room to roam in the living room and kitchen which prove to not have as much "stuff" that she can destroy. So, I propped these shelf thingies against a couple of chairs. Voila! She is now blocked.
On one particular day, I left my adorable kitty in the house. That would be Zoe. I am on the bus headed for home. And, all of a sudden, I think.. Oh know! What if Zoe tried to jump over the shelf thingies and they fell over on top of her and I get home and she's hurt or dead? What the he**??? Where did that thought come from? Why would I even think something like that? Then, I take it even further to wonder how I would react. What would I do??? It's sick!!!
This isn't the first time that I've had these crazy thoughts. When my son was a baby, I used to have them all of the time. Some are too horrible to repeat. But, I would just all of sudden think, what would I do if I fell down the stairs while holding him? What if I accidentally dropped him?
Please don't misunderstand me. These are not plotting type of thoughts. They literally are crazy things that all of sudden pop up. I have to tell myself to stop and then force myself to think about something else.
Thankfully, after talking to many mothers, I did find out that seems to be normal when you first become a mother. And, it never seems to go away because you have similar thoughts as your children get older. Like when they are teens and first start driving, you can't but have horrible worries about them getting into an accident. But, tell me, does this happen to you? For my not quite mother's yet readers, do your thoughts kind of freak you out some times?
I sometimes do the same thing. I will get an idea in my head and think out all the worst case situations and end up getting worried. Usually I end up letting them go and realizing that it is just fantasy and I calm down. Great post.
I always have thoughts about falling down stairs! Isn't that hilarious? Never fails either. The minute I put one tiny toe on the first stair, I have visions of tumbling down them. Maybe I died by falling down stairs in a previous life. Or maybe I'm just weird.
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