Have you ever had a friend who drains your energy? Maybe the relationship is based on false pretenses? Or, maybe they drain your energy because of all of the drama that is swirling in their lives?

As I have aged, I have developed a keen sense for identifying true friends in my life. Seriously, true friends should be like family. They should love you unconditionally and be there for you in the good times and the bad. I am blessed in that I have that type of friend in
Jeanette. She and I have known each other for almost 10 years now. Our friendship has grown through the years and I do consider her family, as she does me. We are just there for each other.
Jeanette has been on a soulful journey over the last 4 or so years. That's not to say that she wasn't prior to that time. But, a reduction in force at her job set her on a path which has been absolutely enjoyable and awesome at times to watch. She no longer has to work a 9-5. Her time is spent doing things that she wants to do. This includes spiritual exploration.

In honor of her, I have chosen to "steal" her latest blog post which she stole from HER favorite blogger. :-) I love these questions! You can visit Jeanette at
Discover, Create, Dream. I encourage you to steal these as well. Have fun with it!
What is your writing process?Just do it! When a topic hits me then I write about it. I don't keep a schedule and am by no means consistent.
What are your greatest creative inspirations?People and colors. Yes, I did say colors. People inspire me because I am fascinated with their lives and behaviors. There are so many topics in my mind about people. But, I do hold back sometimes due to the controversy that might be stirred up. Colors inspire me in my jewelry making. I tend to fixate on a color for a period of time and purchase the same color of beads in different styles.
What are your greatest creative barriers?Stress and depression. Stress tends to hold me back because it wears me down. I may still have creative thoughts while stressed but am too tired to articulate them. I suffer from mini-episodes of depression. I just have periods throughout the year when all is black and hopeless. Unfortunately, I have grown used to these episodes and basically just have to ride them out.
How do you stay honest in your writing?Hmmm.. I am not sure. My mom raised me to be brutally honest. I think it could probably be a fault at times. It's just not my nature to be dishonest. Maybe, my dishonesty is not necessarily lying but ommission.
How do you manage your life (family, partners, children, friends, etc.) when you are writing?This one is truly a non-issue for me. I write when inspired. I guess the dog is my biggest distraction. LOL - But, she knows how to get my attention.
What is your favorite word?Family. I love my family sooo much! The word has so much meaning. It makes me feel good inside.
What is your least favorite word?I don't have one word that is my least favorite. I don't like corporate buzz words and sayings. For example: Wrap our arms around it, Robust, Feedback, etc. LOL - At my last job, there was a new buzz word probably about every month. I don't know if there was department or something that would distribute the word. But, it seemed like once someone began using it, the buzz word of the month would then spread like wildfire throughout the company. Robust was one that really grated on my nerves. "We can help you create a ROBUST benefits package." "You'll find the plan to be very ROBUST." I am sorry. Robust means: strong and healthy, rich and full bodied. How in the heck is a benefits plan strong and healthy or rich full bodied????
What sound or noise do you love?Laughter. I love the sound of my family's laughter when we are together. I love the sound of people in public laughing, crowds laughing, baby's laughter, just laughter.
What sound or noise do you hate? Repitive noises, like dings, or bells, or someone making a repititive noise. When my son was around 7 or 8. He used to make this clicking noise with his tounge. I don't know why he did it but it used to drive me nuts!!!
What is your favorite curse word? Shit! I say it all the time. LOL - I guess it makes me feel grown up. I don't know why I say it. Even at 41, my mom scolds me everytime I say it. "Mary, you shouldn't be saying that. Stop saying that word!"
A song/band/type of music you'd risk wreck & injury to turn off when it comes on the radio? None comes to mind. I can tolerate almost anything. There are just certain types of music that I may not be able to listen to for a length of time.
Best show on television?Forensic Files. I am always so amazed at how people think they can get away with murder. And, then, I am amazed how the cops and detectives catch them.
Favorite movie? Heat. I love Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, especially when they act in the same movie. I love the various plots in this movie. There are so many interesting relationships going on: Robert and Al, Robert and the woman, Val Kilmer and his wife, Val and Robert. I could watch this movie over and over.
Favorite room in your house?Kitchen. Not because I love to cook. But, it's where my family always tends to gather. Also, it's just a great room to piddle in.
Best concert?Bob Seger!!! My sister's turned me on to Bob when I was younger. The 3 of us love his music. I always told my sisters that I wanted us to go to one of his concerts if he ever toured again. At this point, he was pretty much retired. Lo and Behold, he did just that years ago and we went!! It was a great time. We had drinks and mexican food before the concert. We laughed (had a little drama), sang to the songs. It was fun sister time!
Brass or strings? Oh, most definitely brass. I love old Motown! The horns are what throw Motown over the top.
If you could have anything put on a t-shirt what would it be?"I am not as mean as I look." LOL - Many people are intimidated by me. I think it may be because I wear too many expressions on my face.
The best part about being your age?I am more confident. My insecurities seemed to be more just minor facts about me. For instance, my weight - Ok.. so I need to lose some weight... I just don't let it bother me like I used to. I want to look all svelt, sexy, and thin. But, I am still pretty darn cute and sexy the way I am.
Favorite Girl Scout cookie?I don't really like Girl Scout cookies.
Poker or gin or bridge?Gin. I am pretty darn good at it. Much better at it than poker. I don't know how to play bridge.
Shower or bath? Shower, shower, shower. Can't stand soaking in my own dirt.
Favorite pajamas? Ummm... what pajamas?
Nightmare job?Sales. No thanks! No thanks! No thanks! And, that's all I have to say about that.
A talent you wish you had?The gift of gab. Is that a talent? I just wish I was the type of person who could talk about anything. If I am not interested in a topic, I can't really BS about it and people can tell that I am not interested.
Dream vacation?I don't have a place in mind. But, I can't wait for the day when all of the women in my family can take a "girl" vacation. We have so much fun together. I would love to spend time with just them.
What's on your nightstand? Ugh... it's really just a mess right now. We bought beautiful furniture but haven't gotten to the part of actually "fixin" up the room. So, right now, dog shampoo, the TV remote, my makeup bag, and some paper.
3 weird things about you:- I don't share popcorn at the movies. LOL - And I will tell you that if we ever go together. I just don't like it. I like to have my own. This way, I can put as much butter and salt as I like and I don't have to wait for you to get your grubby hands out before I get more. Lucky for me, Kelley doesn't like popcorn.
- I am a fanatic about being on time. My niece, Kayla, recently blogged about her sister causing her to be late for school all the time and how it made her a nervous wreck. Well, it must be a family trait. I can't stand to be late even if you are supposed to show up fashionably late. If I am late, my stomach gets all tied up in knots and I fret until I arrive at my destination.
- I am a closet techie nerd. I love new technology. I love to learn about computers. I could hang out with the Microsoft geeks and soak up their knowledge like a sponge.