Friday, August 29, 2008

Patience Truly Is A Virtue

Wow! I can't believe it! After several posts of despair from job hunting, I have some happy news. Back in July, I applied for and interviewed for a position at Chevron. I did a great job on the interview. When they called me back the next day, I was certain that I had gotten the job. Much to my surprise, I was told that they were VERY impressed with me, my resume, my interview, and my skills BUT they had chosen someone internally for the job. This was probably the pivotal moment in recent months that sent me into a tailspin.

Today, I received an unexpected call from one of the men with whom I interviewed at Chevron. He has another position and would like for me to interview. He gave me compliments once again. He said that he remembered me from the previous interview and thinks I would be a good fit for this position. I am sooo excited!!! I feel good about this.

PATIENCE TRULY IS A VIRTUE! I don't think I have been good at the patience thing. Seeing as how my mental state has been a bit off. But, I am very thankful to have another opportunity!


Kayla Burns Floyd said...

Hooray!! What department would you be working in? Is it at their downtown headquarters? Chevron is one of my companies in my portfolio so I have several contacts there, and they are all great people. It seems like a fun place to work!!! They are big on professional development and are good to rotate people into different roles every few years.

lacy said...

Oh how marvelous! They saw the shine in ya and just had to find a spot for you! That is the best! Good luck!