I did wake up with a better attitude this morning. Still frustrated but not as stressed. I guess Zoe was feeling my pain because she decided to bring me a gift this morning.
I was washing clothes and all of sudden Sophie began freaking out. She was whining and scratching at the door and kept running from the door to me. She normally does this when she sees Zoe outside. Guess she figures that she is missing something. So I meander to the door only to see Zoe rolling around on the porch with this!!!!!

DOUBLE YUCK!!!!! I couldn't figure out how to scoop it up. So, it is now somewhere on my back porch. SIGH! Kelley, please get home soon!!!
OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have freaked right out. I'm not sure what I would have done.
I was home from work last week, and there was a yellow jacket in my house. I called Brian at work, and he told me to go get the neighbor. So I knocked on my poor, unsuspecting neighbor's door and let him handle the dirty work. I had already decided that if he wasn't home, I would just grab my purse and go shopping or something until Brian got home.
Your Wussy Niece :)
I have a little dog named Zoe. Love that name.
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