Thursday, June 18, 2009

What a scare!

I have run the gammet of emotions today. My thoughts have run from "he's just fishing" to "the absolute worst". Why? - you ask.

For a few hours today, I thought my son was missing. His girlfriend sent me a text at about 4pm saying that she was worried because he had left to go diving at 11am this morning and she couldn't get in touch with him. At first, I just figured he was fishing and didn't want to answer his phone or wasn't getting a signal. But, after speaking with her and listening to her entire story, I began to worry. My common sense told me not to worry but instincts told me that something was wrong. He went diving by himself (which you aren't supposed to do). His phone was going straight to voicemail. He had been gone for almost 6 hours. He hadn't eaten before he left. And if you know my son, he can't go too long without eating. But, what could we do???

I told Jaymi to call the coast guard or water police and see if they could do anything. She did and they were very helpful. She didn't know what kind of boat he has but with Kelley's help, we managed to get the registration number on the side of the boat. And off the coast guard went to look for him. From that point, it was about an hour and a half or two hours of worrying.

The coast guard finally called Jaymi only to tell her that he was OK but he was being towed back to land because his boat had taken on water. Turns out that while he was diving, a very large boat passed by and caused his boat to capsize. THANK GOD HE WASN'T IN IT! His boat is ruined but he is FINE! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

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