Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Such the Movie Watcher

I seem to be going through a movie spurt. Kelley and I watched "Wanted" the other night. Derrick and I watched "Castaway." Tabotha and I watched "Wall-E" and "Matagascar 2: Escape to Africa."

Here's the Aunt Mary short reviews:

Wanted - Kind of a stupid movie. I guess I had high expectations and it just didn't meet them. Not sorry that I rented it. But, it definitely didn't live up to the hype.

Castaway - Seen it a dozen times and could see it a dozen more. Love Tom Hanks. I don't know that I have ever seen a movie with him in it that I didn't like.

Wall-E - Oh sooo cute!!! I would watch it again. Fell in love with that little robot.

Matagascar 2 - Loved it! Funny, funny, funny!

Tonight we rented "88 Minutes", "Hancock", and "Burn After Reading." I'll be back to let you know my ever so important thoughts on these.

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