Do you notice something different about me?
"Hmmm.... did you lose weight?" No - I wish
"Did you change your hair color?" Nope
"Did you finally pluck your eyebrows?" Umm...not yet
No, no, no!!! I am EMPLOYED!!!! Woohoo!! I accepted an offer from Chevron today. I got the job!!
I am very excited! Even though I am rejoining the mecca of the cubicle, I have received positive input from several people that Chevron is a good company. I think this is a great way for me to learn a new industry. PLUS... I'll actually have a paycheck again. Oooo.. I can get my toes done. Hehe...
Thank you to all who have endured my endless rantings about not being able to find a job! Your patience paid off! :-)
Oh yippie hooray-- your toes have really been bothering me lately. I am just kidding turkey! Congratulations!
I rejoice with you! Woo Hoo!
I can't wait to lunch with you when I come to Houston for biz trips to Chevron!!! :)
does employment also mean no more blog posting?
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