First, I must give recognition to my nieces, Lacy and Kayla, for inspiring me to create this blog. Lacy provided me inspiration from her own blog which you will find in "My Blog List." Kayla has been journaling since she was very young. Her dedication to writing inspires me to now document (in a slightly different way) the topics that tug at my heart. So.. thank you to both of you! I love you very much!
I have many topics on my mind and in my heart. Some may be cause for heated discussion, some may be boring, and then others you just might find humorous. For now, I shall begin with a lighter subject:
Enjoying the little things in life.I have been a stay-at-home wife (not mom cause my kiddo is a man and on his own) for over 4 months now. It was a great moment to trade my 8 1/2 year corporate job for the stay-at-home life. During the last 4 months, I have enjoyed learning how to ride a motorcycle, spending more time with my mom, making jewelry, cooking for my husband, and keeping my house clean. In between these special moments, I spend a lot of time on my back patio staring into the sky, watching my flowers grow, or watching my cat and dog. It's funny now the things that I find humorous or enjoyable. Butterflies flittering around my flowers. Normally, I would have said, "Oh.. that's nice." and moved on about my day. Today, I can actually sit and watch them for as long as they grace me with their presence. Watch them float from one flower to the other... beauty, color, grace, peace. I am thankful for these special moments. I am reminded that when you pay attention to your surroundings and take time out to see what is around you, then you are truly in the moment. You are in the present.
My stay-at-home life will end soon as it's time for me to begin working again. I plan to carry the simple lessons that I have learned during this time. Stopping to enjoy the little things in life!